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Almost all my work is written in Spanish. I offer here a brief description of each book and some papers, also links to descriptions of my books and papers in Spanish. A book and a couple of papers in English are also presented.

  • On Scientific Methodology

    • El Proceso de Investigación (The Process of Research), an elemental guide to scientific methodology. More than twenty editions and reimpressions, 1974-1999, by Ed. Panapo (Venezuela), Ed. Planeta (Venezuela), Ed. Panamericana (Colombia), Ed. Lumen (Argentina) and other publishers. It is a well known university textbook in several Latin American countries.
    • Los Caminos de la Ciencia: Una Introducción al Método Científico (The Paths of Science), Panapo pub., Caracas, 1986, awarded with Premio Bienal al mejor libro de texto universitario (Biennial Prize to best university textbook), APUCV, Caracas, 1986. Also published by Ed. Panamericana (Colombia) and Ed. Lumen (Argentina).
    • Cómo Hacer una Tesis: Guía para la elaboración y redacción de trabajos científicos (How to do a Thesis), Caracas, 1987. More than ten editions and reimpressions by Panapo pub., Ed. Panamericana (Colombia) and Ed. Lumen (Argentina) from 1987 to 1998.


  • On Social Sciences
    • Empleo y Gasto Público en Venezuela (Employment and Public Expenditures in Venezuela). An interdisciplinary work, revised version of my doctoral disertation. Caracas, Panapo pub., 1988.
    • Social Security in Venezuela (La Seguridad Social en Venezuela), co-author with Jesús Eduardo Rodríguez. CEDICE/Panapo pub., Caracas, 1991. Awarded with the Antony Fisher International Award, third place, 1992.
    • Diccionario de Economía y Finanzas(Dictionary of Economics and Finance), CEDICE/PANAPO pub., Caracas, 1991.
    • De Cómo un Estado Rico nos Llevó a la Pobreza (How a Rich State Drive us to Poverty), CEDICE/PANAPO pub., Caracas, 1994. An historical analysis of social policy in Venezuela, from the fifties to the present day. The last two chapters contain general and specific proposals for solving the problem of poverty.
    • La Inflación. Qué es y Cómo Eliminarla (Inflation: What is it and how to eliminate it), co-author with Hugo Faría. CEDICE/Panapo publ., Caracas, 1997.
    • El Fracaso del Intervencionismo. Apertura y Libre Mercado en América Latina. (The Failure of Interventionism. The Road to Free Markets in Latin America). Panapo publ., Caracas, 1999. The book deals with the process of free market reforms developed by several countries in recent years. The first part offers an historical background; the second part contains eigth case studies: Chile, Bolivia, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Perú, Uruguay and Brasil; the data is compared and analized from a economic, political and social point of view in the three last chapters. This book will probably be soon traslated into english.

  • Fiction
  • Papers and other works (selection)

The Bicentennials: neither triumphalism nor pessimism, paper presented at Mont Pelerin Regional Meeting, Buenos Aires, 2011.

A Preliminary Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Growth of the State, paper presented at Mont Pelerin Regional Meeting, Buenos Aires, 2011.

"Sobre el Neoliberalismo: La Historia, los Mitos, los Principios" (On Neoliberalism: the history, the myths, the principles), Monographies of CEDICE No. 39, 1991.

The end of bipolar world and the crisis of Marxism, "El Fin del Mundo Bipolar y la Crisis del Marxismo" , Monog. of CEDICE No. 46, 1993.
The End of the Nation-State, paper presented at Mont Pelerin Regional Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 19
"Una Política Social para la Pobreza" (A Social Policy 'for' Poverty) in Encuentro y Alternativas, UCAB Press, Caracas, 1993.
"El Programa de Ajustes: De la Esperanza a la Frustración" (The Adjustment Program: From Hope to Frustration) in Gómez, Emeterio, Salidas de una Economía Petrolera, Ed. Futuro, Caracas, 1993.
Editor of Modernización y Costos Sociales (Modernization and Social Costs), Ed. CEDICE-AVE-Cavenal, Caracas, 1995.
"Concepciones y tendencias actuales en la definición de políticas sociales" (Concepts and Modern Trends in Social Policy) in Revista Venezolana de Ciencias Sociales, IIES, UCV, No. 1-1996.
"Las Falsas Promesas de la Política Social" (The Deceptive Promises of Social Policy) Monog. of CEDICE No. 60, Caracas, 1997.
"Los Sistemas de Previsión Social: Un Ejercicio de Simulación" (Social Security Systems: An Exercise of Simulation) in Revista Venezolana de Ciencias Sociales, IIES, UCV, No. 4-1997 and Laissez Faire, UFM, Guatemala, No. 9, 1998.
A preliminary Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Growth of the State, paper presented to Mont Pelerin Society Meeting, Guatemala, November, 5-9, 2006.
How can we get rid of poverty ("Mitos sobre la Pobreza"), in Tópicos No. 840, CEES, Guatemala, 1998 and in Ideas de Libertad No. 43, Quito, 1998.
"El Día de mi Muerte" (The Day of my Death), Euclides, and several other short stories published in newspapers and magazines of Venezuela.
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